Chandra Maharzan Interview

Code Poet

Meet minimalist Graph Paper Press designer and WordCamp Nepal co-organizer Chandra Maharzan (@maharzan). You might know Chandra as the designer of “Gridspace” — a top ten theme at In this interview, Chandra offers some hard-won advice for young designers, talks about what makes the Nepal WordPress community special, the challenges of translating WordPress into Nepali, and the importance of meeting face to face to help one another learn, create connections, and build our communities.

Tell us the story of how you got into working with WordPress.

When I was working as a web developer back in early 2000s, each and every customer’s requirement was different. There was no one such platform that I could rely on. I, along with the team, tested various open source platforms such as Joomla, Drupal, and phpNuke, but almost all of them were very complex for the simple site that…

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